Don’t Make These Three Mistakes When Buying Bulk Fuel from Oil Suppliers in Gloucester

by | Aug 18, 2015 | Oil and Gas

Are you tired of paying pump prices for fuel? If so, it might be time to purchase fuels from reliable oil suppliers in Gloucester. There are many providers out there who sell lubricants, bulk fuel and heating oil for the home and business environment. Before you start negotiating contracts with a supplier in your area, you need to be prepared to ensure you get the best deal from leading energy market analysts. Avoid making the following blunders to prevent confusion and reduce your chances of getting ripped off.

Only Buying When the Tank is Empty

You never know when you might run low on fuel and the fact that prices fluctuate by season means that you need to be prepared. Don’t just get in touch with oil suppliers in Gloucester when you really need fuel, because if you are desperate you might end up spending more money than you really want to. Calculate how much fuel you use each day, month and year to figure out how much you should buy in bulk. The more you know about your usage, the more options you will likely be presented with by the supplier.

Using a Supplier with a Single Source

Even if the oil suppliers in Gloucester that you work with sell fuel from one of the most respected names, it’s still a good idea to find a distributor that has more than one source. The reason for this is because the more sources the supplier works with, the wider the range of savings they can offer you. They should get to know their suppliers as a way of bargaining the best deal for customers and they should be available to contact 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Being Afraid to Sign a Contract

Not all oil suppliers in Gloucester will tie you into a contract when you work with them, but most will request that you sign a contract. There is good reason for this – because this contract will outline everything ordered, where it is being ordered to, from who, etc. If anything goes wrong, you will have this to fall back on and won’t have to worry about losing out on money if more heating oil has been put into your tank than you requested.

Hobbs Bros. Ltd provides the finest bulk heating oils, commercial & agricultural fuels throughout Gloucester, UK.

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