Looking to Get Help With Your SEISS Claim? Try Your Accountant, Banstead

by | Feb 25, 2021 | Accountant

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has far-reaching financial consequences on individuals and companies across the UK and the world. The British government is offering help for the self-employed under the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme. As part of the application process, you must confirm that your business has been negatively impacted. If you have two or more different trades, one of your businesses may have been affected, but your other activity may have remained as usual. In this case, you are still eligible for the grant. However, your accountant in Banstead can assist you with queries you have on making a claim and your eligibility requirements.

Before you submit your application, your business must have experienced reduced activity, meaning you carried out less work due to supply chain interruptions, or your business has had to temporarily close or reduce its operations due to a lockdown. You are still eligible to apply if you had fewer clients than you would normally expect or unable to work because of parental caring responsibilities. Remember that it is also essential to keep records showing how your company has been impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak when applying for the SEISS application. Your professional accountant at Banstead can help you organize your financial documents in a practical way that works to your advantage.

If you are looking for an accountant at Banstead to help grow your business and do all the work for you, then you’re in the right place! David Beckham & Co Ltd. is committed to providing clients with world-class service. They have a firm of certified accountants, so if you need a more highly qualified accountant, they can help you in this regard and can handle all your accounting needs, including bookkeeping, corporate tax filings, personal tax filings, and more. Let them bear the burden of accounting work and focus on the tedious paperwork while you enjoy life.

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