Solar is the word on everyone’s lips at the moment, because solar products make use of energy derived from the sun’s rays. Available in abundance, this type of energy never runs out, and is an eco-friendly solution to ozone layer-destroying options. Most glass suppliers Livingston will offer window and door fitting with solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. These panels absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity, which means you could be saving heaps on your monthly energy bills!
Whether it’s the front door, conservatory windows/doors, or bedroom windows you want to replace, consider saving large sums of money per year with solar-panel windows. One of many options available, these windows can be installed by glass suppliers Livingston with ease.
Solar Panel Windows or Tint Treatments?
Most property and business owners who call on glass suppliers Livingston for assistance will deliberate between solar panel windows and tint treatments. Both affordable and long-lasting, they offer numerous benefits for the homeowner and the environment. Let’s take a look at the advantages of each:
1. Solar Panel Windows – Although these windows are not widely available just yet, they are on the horizon as a result of recent quantum-dot work. The breakthrough research has allowed glass suppliers Livingston and beyond to present customers with windows manufactured with large-area luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs). Solar radiation is concentrated, which increases power output for other appliances in the home.
2. Tint Treatments – Available on a regular basis, solar heat can be absorbed by windows that have been treated. Ideal for properties in areas with colder climates, the tints stop interior heat from escaping.
Finding a Reliable Company
The installation is just as important as the type of product you select. Refrain from asking just anyone to fit the windows, because if there are any gaps or leaks, heat can escape and noise can cause disruptions. Prior to doing business with glass suppliers Livingston, ask to view customer testimonials, inquire about the company background, and request to see proof of insurance and licenses.
Getting a Quote
The money you pay for solar panel windows or tint treatments will entirely depend on the size of the property and the number of windows/doors you want fitted. Quotes will usually be given based on square footage and property layout. You can expect tint treatments to cost slightly less than solar panel windows. However, both options from glass suppliers Livingston offer brilliant money-saving benefits.
By introducing solar windows into the home from glass suppliers Livingston, you could save money year after year. Edinburgh Glass & Glazing offer a wide range of solar control services for commercial and residential buildings. For additional information visit website.