If you have been considering residential care, here are a few questions that might help you come to a decision:
1. Have you been finding yourself feeling overwhelmed trying to complete your daily living activities? If your family and friends are not able to be there as often as you need, residential care is an option.
2. Do you feel lonely most of the time? Spending too much time alone leads to depression. The good facilities will keep you busy and offer you many opportunities to make great friends during their recreational and social activities.
3. Are you ever worried for your safety? As we age, arthritis and other conditions can lead to mobility issues making things like getting out of bed in the morning harder due to stiffness. It could be that you are afraid of falling and not being able to get back up. At a residential facility, there is staff around 24/7.
4. After a certain age it becomes harder to keep up with not only the household chores, but also the maintenance and the yard work. A facility can give you the feeling of living at home without all the work.
5. It could be that it has become more and more difficult for you to drive or maybe you cannot even drive anymore at all. If public transportation isn’t an option for you, you could end up housebound. One of the services offered by residential care is transportation. You can visit here to get more details.
Moving is Always Stressful
Even thinking about leaving your home and neighbourhood can make you feel defenceless and weak. You could feel like you are giving up your independence. Feeling like this is completely normal. Torr Home Residential Care Facility believes that your safety is a priority. They also feel that you need to continue to live as independently and vibrantly as you can possibly can.