Why You Should Hire a Criminal Defence Lawyer When Your Child Is Arrested

by | Jun 5, 2014 | Business

If your child has been arrested, you probably have several things going through your mind. Hiring a lawyer is probably the last thing you are going to think about, but it can make all the difference to your situation. A criminal defence lawyer can benefit your child’s case from the second they are arrested, and this is certainly something to think about. The criminal lawyer will work with you to determine the best outcome for the situation, giving you the help, support and legal guidance you need to make a difference to your child’s situation

How a Criminal Defence Lawyer Could Benefit Your Arrest

When your child is arrested, you need to make sure that they don’t say anything when they have been arrested. If they are young, they may feel pressured to comply with the questions asked by the police. They may say something that may harm their own defence, and this is something you want to avoid at all times. The lawyer will work with the child, giving them the support they need to overcome the situation. In some cases, the crime may be so severe that they may attend a juvenile prison. Your criminal defence lawyer will work with the child to piece together the sequence of events, finding out if there were any grounds for the crime and if anyone else was at fault. For example, if they are accused of assaulting another child to an extensive degree, there may have been some provocation. If the child assaulted the victim to defend someone else, then the case has a higher chance of being overturned.

Offering Your Child a Higher Degree of Support

When your child is arrested, you may feel somewhat helpless when it comes to helping your child. A lawyer will be able to help your child in more ways than you know, and they will also help to lessen the stress placed upon your family. Your lawyer will work with you to ensure that the process is over as fast as possible, as well as helping you to document witness statements that may comply with your version of events. This is very beneficial, and it can make a lot of difference to your child’s permanent record. Contact your solicitors in Edinburgh today to find out more.

Matthew Berlow Criminal Lawyer is one of the top solicitors in Edinburgh. They have over 60 years of combined experience, dealing with a range of cases ranging from murder to fraud, theft and assault.


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