All about Pet Vaccines

by | Jun 26, 2017 | Veterinarian

If you love your pet, you cannot ignore vaccinating your pet. Vaccinations protect your pet from serious diseases like Hepatitis, distemper and rabies. Since some of the conditions can be transferred to human beings, vaccinating your pet protects your family members and people around your pet from the diseases.

Unlike in the past when dogs were being vaccinated every year, today you do not have to vaccinate them that often. The vaccines can have a lasting effect on the pet which means you do not have to vaccinate annually. Before vaccinating a dog, the vet considers the age, travel habits, breed, health status, lifestyle, age, and environment of the dog.

Health risks arising from vaccinations

At first, you must understand that all vaccines are offered to protect your pet. However, if you have any concerns about the vaccine and its reaction to your dog, please talk to the vet administering vaccinations in County Durham. Share your concerns and ask any questions that you need clarification about.

In most cases, animals react to vaccines through swelling or slight pain which clear after a short time. Keep a keen eye on your animal to examine if it develops serious reactions such as an allergic reaction. Talk to the vet as soon as possible if your pet has allergic reactions because they can be life threatening.

Types of vaccines

There are two types of vaccinations; core vaccines and non-core vaccines. Core vaccines are given for diseases that can be easily transferred or are fatal. Some of these vaccinations like rabies are compulsory in most states. For non-core vaccinations, you need to discus with your vet to see if your pet needs them. The vaccines are given depending on the pet’s lifestyle, environment or exposure.

Visit site for more information on pet vaccinations.

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