How to Detect and Prevent Dry Rot

by | Nov 2, 2016 | Business

Dry rot is a common occurrence in Glasgow as it has a mild humid climate. Dry rot refers to a wood- destroying fungus that eats up the parts of the wood that gives it strength and structural fortitude. The fungus feeds off moisture found in the timber and is able to travel through material not made of wood making it easy to spread. This can then lead to massive damage to buildings and ships. It is possible to spot dry rot by noting the following signs:

* A distinct smell of mushroom.

* The timber discolours to a dark shade and cracks in cuboid-like manner.

* White, fluffy fungal growth with yellow and lilac tinge.

* Strands develop in the mycelium.

Common causes of moist timber

* One of the common causes is lack of proper ventilation in buildings which leads to accumulated dampness.

* Another reason is leaking washing machines and condensation of steam emitted by household appliances.

* Moisture may also leak in through leaks in the roof, walls, or taps.

Since we have established that the main cause of dry rot in Glasgow as moisture, there are three practical steps you can take to intercept the menace before it blows into a wide scale disaster.

* Step one – Locate the source of the moisture. This means that you should inspect every valve and faucet in your home to ensure there is no leakage and then close it. If the moisture is coming from a machine, you can change its location to one with better ventilation.

* Step two – Replace the wood that is already affected. This will serve to prevent further damage to the structure of the adjacent timber.

* Step Three – Treat the remaining wood with a wood preservative or call in a specialist to do the same. This will ensure a longer lifespan for the remaining timber.

Prevention is always better than cure, so call us today to avert an impending attack of dry rot in Glasgow.

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