Roof Flashings – Choosing a Type of Flashing for a Traditional Property

by | Nov 5, 2014 | Business

Rainfall can take its toll on roof flashings that are improperly installed or crafted with poor materials. Leaking is a clear sign that you need to get new flashing fitted. Crafted with pieces of impervious material, flashing is one of the most important exterior building elements. A protective barrier against Mother Nature’s elements, it will direct water away from the building and could protect roof-mounted structures, like chimneys and skylights. If you live in a traditional property, take the time to gain some knowledge on the different types.

Chimney Flashing
The base of a chimney can be subjected to a lot of hardship, with acid rain and snow being two natural elements that are known to cause damage and erosion. With chimney flashing, the base can be protected. The metal saddle of the chimney will be covered with this flashing. Cut to fit along the slope of the roof, it will be sealed with cap flashing. To ensure it is secured in place, the person fitting the flashing will caulk or mortar it. Once sealed, the chances of a water leakage will be minimal.

Skylight Flashing
To make the skylight installation process easier, flashing will be fitted onto the skylight. Integrated into the design, it is usually attached to the bottom of the skylight. Saddle flashing is applied with a bead of MS Silicon and this flashing will be applied to the top of the skylight. Moulded for weatherproofing purposes, it is a watertight solution and will eliminate the chances of leakages following heavy rainfall or other harsh weather conditions. Skylight flashing does not rely on sealants, therefore you won’t be required to do much maintenance or carry out repairs.

Step Flashing
The most versatile type of roof flashings are step flashings, which are specially designed to protect the roof, chimney and skylights on a property. A three-in-one solution, it will also shield the dormer side walls on a property from damage. Every section that is applied will be overlapped with another piece of material for extra protection. This unique technique allows for more surface area to be covered, and means that there is no chance of water leaking through the flashing’s vertical edge. A type of secondary counter flashing will be concealed underneath, and seals will be made weatherproof with caulking.

Do you need new roof flashings manufactured for your property? If so, consider working with the qualified team of fabricators at SAMS Fabrications! Call 07786214039 to get a quote.

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