Buying Cigars Online? 4 Buying Tips to Remember

by | Jan 29, 2018 | Electronic Cigarettes

Say your cigar supplier or shop isn’t giving you what you need any more, here are a few tips to help you find a new shop or supplier for cigarettes online:

Check for quality

What kind of products does the company stock up on? Does it have your favorites? What kind of brands, items and products does it carry? If the quality of the stocks run to mostly cheap options, you’ll want to look elsewhere.

Consider range of products

Does it offer plenty of items or do you feel like you’re limited in your options? Some shops or suppliers might only carry a small inventory of products but they make up for this by ensuring they only provide high-quality options. With that said, don’t judge a supplier for cigarettes online based on inventory size alone. Consider the quality of the inventory as well.

Ask for assistance

Whether you’re buying online or in a shop, don’t be afraid to ask, says the Gentleman’s Gazette. Don’t try to be arrogant about it as well. If you don’t know a thing about smoking a cigar but will love to learn, just reach out to the staff and ask for tips and advice. They will steer you in the right direction, or at the very least, give you pointers to help you get started.

Do a bit of research

First time smoking a cigar? A bad choice in flavor could ruin the experience. Be sure to do a bit of research on flavor profiles so you’ll be able to at least give the shop or staff a clearer idea of what you want out of a cigar. That should help you buy flavors that you’ll end up loving. For instance, some of the more popular flavors include leather, toffee, caramel, vanilla, syrup and honey as well as milk chocolate, dark chocolate and even cocoa. There’s also coffee, espresso and bread too.

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